Juvenile Peevery

Language Log 2013-05-01

…has been featured in the last three Big Nate strips, starting with this one:


And today:

This may go on all week.

Some past LL commentary on the specific issues involved:

"Dictionary Daftness, Dan Brown Style", 8/10/2010 (Comment on irregardless) "X-ward(s)",  2/21/2011 "Lie or Lay: Some Disasterously Unhelpful Guidance", 4/10/2004 "Caring less with stress", 7/8/2004 "Negation by association", 7/13/2004 "The care less train has left the station", 6/20/2005 "Half a century of (not) caring less", 11/1/2010 "Be appalled; Be very appalled",  8/8/2011 (More on lie/lay) "How to defend yourself from bad advice about writing", 11/1/2006 (A discussion of anti-prescriptivist violence)

But when it comes to anticlimatic, I'm afraid we've got nothing but a bad pun, whose link I'll spare you.

[Tip of the hat to E. Gilman]