Winter Summit 2013 Report, Part 2

The Free Network Foundation 2013-03-15

Following our summit in Austin last week, the FNF held a meeting of its Board of Directors, as well as a hackfest that entailed work on Tech Ops projects, in addition to strategic discussions on fundraising and outreach. The Board meeting was our first with Martin Dluhos, a longtime FNF contributor newly on the Board, and it was the first time for the rest of the directors to meet in-person.


The Board of Directors, consisting of Martin, Gregory Foster,  Tyrone Greenfield, Isaac Wilder, and Patti Wyble, discussed the FNF’s progress during the summit and since their last meeting, in late December. The Board then strategized about how best to move forward in our collaboration with Catalonian network commons and how this will fit into Isaac’s plans to present at the SXSW Interactive tech conference in early March 2013. The FNF is currently investigating the development of a GIS platform, and Greg lent his expertise on the subject. The meeting also included an extensive discussion of how to increase the Board’s role in oversight of the FNF, and in fundraising, as well as a temporarily closed session to discuss personnel issues.


Read full minutes from the meeting, here.