KC Network Goes Live

The Free Network Foundation 2013-03-15

RosedaleRidgeeditOver the past month or so, the FNF has worked with Kansas City nonprofit Connecting for Good to plan and implement a network with the Rosedale Ridge housing project in Kansas City, Kansas.  Over the course of the last week, prototype FreedomLink and FreedomTower equipment was deployed in conjunction with a more conventional access mesh to provide a connectivity solution at small fraction of the retail cost. More than 200 families at Rosedale Ridge are now able to access the Internet from their homes, rather than having to travel many miles to the nearest public library. Connecting for Good also plans to provide tech education and access to affordable computers to the residents of Rosedale Ridge, so that they can take full advantage of the network.


We’re thrilled to be able to help Connecting for Good in their mission, and very pleased to have a production testbed for our solutions. Development continues on the entire suite of free network tools. We hope that the Kansas City network will grow, in the fullness of time, to include more sites using better tools.


KC weekly The Pitch wrote more about Connecting for Good’s network.