The Free Network Foundation 2021-08-28

As you may know, most of our communications at the FNF happen on our email lists. In the last quarter, we’ve tried to refine the focus of our lists to make conversation more effective, with less noise. The changes have proven to be fruitful, as the level of engagement and quality of dialogue have both increased.

We currently operate a [discuss] list for general discussion of all things FNF and free networks, a [builders] list for technical topics, a [media] list for media and design projects, a [core] list for internal progress updates from FNF’s core volunteers, and a [board] list for communications within the Board of Directors. We also hang out on IRC at #fnm at

In the next quarter, we will bring online a suite of tools to enable fluid collaboration, coordination, and governance. In an effort to remain committed to the openness of our early days, Isaac has committed to begin publishing a personal weblog, in addition to contributing to the FNF’s corporate log.


The FNF is very low on funds at the moment. As you may know, we currently operate as an all-volunteer organization, and our overhead costs are very low, so all contributions we receive go a long way. Our current overhead is $430/mo, which covers two co-location facilities, and our current income is $345/mo, which comes from only eight donors.  It is crucial that all of us in the coming months help to build a network of monthly contributors so we can focus on the work that matters most: helping people and communities build Free Networks and connect to one another.

One important facet of everyone participating in governance is that the FNF needs everyone’s help in fundraising. Please, approach anyone you know who can help: tell your family and friends about what we have accomplished, and our vision for the future, and urge them to commit to a monthly contribution. If you’d like to talk about effective ways to talk to people about giving, please contact [Tyrone] directly or start a thread on [discuss]. We’re looking forward to continuing this conversation with all of you.