Drone attacks continue, the FBI killed an unarmed witness, and Obama aides cash in | Glenn Greenwald

Comment is free: Glenn Greenwald on security and liberty | guardian.co.uk 2014-08-28


A video informally titled "the care and feeding of a young imperial bureaucrat" viscerally conveys the rot that is Washington

(updated below)

The combination of extensive travel and being quite consumed with a story I'm working on has prevented me from writing for the last couple of days. As the comment section to the prior column has apparently closed, I'm noting here a few very brief items. Regular posting should resume tomorrow.

"The book mirrors State Department institutional taboos and obsessions. It avoids meaningful criticism of Israel and Saudi Arabia. It pretends, quite extraordinarily, that the Latin American sovereignty movement, which has liberated so many from United States-backed plutocracies and dictatorships over the last 30 years, never happened. Referring instead to the region's 'aging leaders,' the book can't see Latin America for Cuba. And, of course, the book frets theatrically over Washington's favorite boogeymen: North Korea and Iran."

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Gudgeon and gist ยป Comment is free: Glenn Greenwald on security and liberty | guardian.co.uk


drones boston marathon bombing


Glenn Greenwald

Date tagged:

08/28/2014, 08:03

Date published:

06/02/2013, 11:05