Tom The Dancing Bug Blog 2016-05-06

May 3, 2016

In honor of World Press Freedom Day, and in conjunction with this week's comic about Freedom of Speech in Turkey (to which only members of the INNER HIVE have exclusive access today) (5/4 UPDATE: The comic strip is now online at Boing Boing):



If you were thinking about joining Tom the Dancing Bug's INNER HIVE, now's the time to do it.



For the rest of the month of May, 125% of your INNER HIVE sign-up charge will be donated to the Committee to Protect Journalists, which promotes press freedom worldwide.




When you join the INNER HIVE, you get each week's Tom the Dancing Bug comic emailed to you at least one day before it's published, along with commentary, puns, apologies, preliminary art, palindromes, additional comics, "content", yummy recipes, architectural blueprints, secret treasure maps, etc.  The cost of membership is only $11.95 per six months.


And this month, when you pay that $11.95 for the first six months, $15 will be donated to help defend the rights of journalists to report the news without fear of reprisal.  I believe that promoting a free press is one of the most effective ways to help the citizens of repressive nations, by exposing corruption, government malfeasance and war crimes.


How else can you get stupid comics a day before anyone else AND help the brave journalists of world make their countries a better place to live?


To join the INNER HIVE and help the Committee to Protect Journalists, click here.

For more information on the Committee to Protect Journalists, click here.








We celebrate the fantastic news of the release from prison the Iranian artist Atena Farghadani! Here is the Tom the Dancing Bug comic strip about her imprisonment, published last year.


This is a testament to the power of international pressure asserted by the Committee to Protect Journalists and other organizations that can actually help journalists and artists victimized by repressive regimes.