Tom The Dancing Bug Blog 2017-03-12

Center cartoon studies


I had a blast last week as Visiting Faculty (i.e., cartoonist who shows up, has a few meals, gabs with all students for a couple of hours, then goes home) at the Center for Cartoon Studies in Vermont.  What a wondrous place - a secluded school in a picturesque town devoted only to cool comics and amazing, creative students.  


Thanks to James Sturm and Luke Howard and everyone there for the invitation, arrangements, hospitality and great time.  I hope the students got something out of my ramblings...


Ruben Bolling at CCS 113web Ruben Bolling at CCS 153web Ruben Bolling at CCS 085web

Ruben Bolling at CCS 206web






(photos by Abe Olson)



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