Cartoonists Rights

Tom The Dancing Bug Blog 2021-06-27

I'm happy to announce that the winner of the random drawing in the Book Contest to Benefit Cartoonists Rights Network International is Colin Maroney.  He will be getting a copy of the 2020 book Tom the Dancing Bug: Into the Trumpverse.

INTO THE TRUMPVERSE COVER ANGLED My heartfelt THANKS to all who donated and participated in the contest.  As I said in announcing it, the proof of the cartooning art form's vitality and impact is the fact that authoritarians and extremists all over the world are threatening, persecuting, and even killing satirical cartoonists for creating their art.  And yet here in the U.S., cartoonists are marginalized in just about every possible way by the world of Journalism of which we are supposed to be a part.  In my own tiny, inconsequential corner of this issue, no Pulitzer Prize was awarded this year in the cartooning category, despite two very deserving cartoonists (and, yes, myself) being named Finalists, not to mention the amazing work done by many, many of my colleagues in a year of unprecedented events.


I started this contest on the spur of the moment, to help cartoonists in real danger in any small way, and I'm so heartened by my readers' response.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate the outpouring of support for these brave artists.


The contest is over, but of course you can donate to CRNI any time you like!


