20 years of blogging . . . What have been your favorite posts?

Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science 2024-09-17

Our first post was on 12 Oct 2004: A weblog for research in statistical modeling and applications, especially in social sciences; followed by The Electoral College favors voters in small states; Why it’s rational to vote; Bayes and Popper; and Overrepresentation of small states/provinces, and the USA Today effect.

Later that month we had our first post on the Red State/Blue State Paradox, a guest post on statistical issues in modeling social space, and a stab at partial pooling of interactions.

On 27 Oct came one of my favorite early posts, The blessing of dimensionality, and early the next month came Sam Cook’s post on her now-classic work on Bayesian software validation, which we now call SBC, for simulation-based calibration checking, an early post on cross-validation for Bayesian multilevel modeling—a topic on which we made lots of progress in the decades since.

Also in Nov 2004 came our first formulation of the important (to me) concept of institutional decision analysis, my discovery about correlations in before-after data, and a debunking of a claim of possible election fraud in Florida.

Those were the days!

Here’s my question for you!

What are your favorite posts? It would be fun to compile a list in commemoration of 20 years and over 12,000 posts. So post titles and links to your favorites in the comments below. You can include as many as you want.

Also if you have any favorite posts from the past 20 years on other blogs, share those too. Thanks!