Apply! (The Call to Pittsburgh)
Three-Toed Sloth 2015-12-22
The CMU Statistics Department is conducting two faculty searches, one for teaching-track and one for tenure-track faculty, and I find myself on the search committee. (This feels extra bizarre because I could swear I just came here about two years ago.) I am, obviously, a partial judge, but I think we're a great place — I literally cannot think of another statistics department where I would rather be. We are, this year, making a very serious attempt to reach out to people from backgrounds which might lead them to not normally think they'd have a chance here. I think I can guarantee that this year, at least, the idea of a "related area" will be interpreted quite liberally. We are also quite serious about wanting to improve our track-record when it comes to hiring women (nothing to brag about) and under-represented minorities (really nothing to brag about), and not just for faculty but also for graduate students. If readers have any questions, I promise to promptly answer any serious inquiry.