In Memoriam Stephen E. Fienberg (27 November 1942 -- 14 December 2016)

Three-Toed Sloth 2017-01-11


Steve was an inspiration to me long before I came to CMU, when he was just a name on the page. When I did meet him, he was only more impressive. He seemed to know everything and everyone, to be interested in everything, to have thought seriously about it at all, and to have boundless and infectious energy for all his projects. He was equally at home discussing the intricacies of algebraic statistics, the influence of Rashevsky on the development of social network analysis, or the history of the US Census's racial classifications. He got involved in a huge range of scientific and scholarly areas, always with exemplary seriousness of really engaging with their substance and their practitioners, not just "consulting". Much of his activity revolved around public service, trying to help make sure policy was more informed, more enlightened, and more just.

Being Steve's colleague was a pleasure and a privilege. We will not see his like again.

Enigmas of Chance; Kith and Kin


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01/11/2017, 09:26

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01/11/2017, 09:26