Course Announcement: Advanced Data Analysis (36-402/36-608), Spring 2019
Three-Toed Sloth 2019-08-20
Attention conservation notice: Announcement of an advanced undergraduate course at a school you don't attend in a subject you don't care about.
I will be teaching 36-402/36-608, Advanced Data Analysis, in the spring.
This will be the seventh time I'll have taught it, since I took it over and re-vamped it in 2011. The biggest change from previous iterations will be in how I'll be handling class-room time, by introducing in-class small-group exercises. I've been doing this in this semester's class, and it seems to at least not be hurting their understanding, so we'll see how well it scales to a class with four or five times as many students.
(The other change is that by the time the class begins in January, the textbook will, inshallah, be in the hands of the publisher. I've finished adding everything I'm going to add, and now it's a matter of cutting stuff, and fixing mistakes.)