Simulation V: Matching Simulation Models to Data (Introduction to Statistical Computing)
Three-Toed Sloth 2014-01-06
(My notes for this lecture are too incomplete to be worth typing up, so here's the sketch.)
Methods, Models, Simulations
Statistical methods try to draw inferences about unknown realities from data. They always involve some more or less tightly specified stochastic model, some story (myth) about how the data were generated, and so how the data are linked to the world. We want to know how well our methods work, which is usually hard to assess by just running them on real data. Sometimes, we can push through analytic probability calculations under our model assumptions, but often not. Then we can get some baseline idea of how well our methods should work by simulating the models, running the simulation through the methods, and comparing the results to what we know the truth was in the simulation world. (That is, we see if we can recover the myth.) We can also see how robust our methods are by simulating processes which break the modeling assumptions more or less grossly.If your method, or your implementation of a common method, doesn't work under simulations, then you had better have a very good argument for why it should be trusted with real data. Always go back and forth between simulations and method development \[ \mathrm{simulation}:\mathrm{methods}::\mathrm{unit\ tests}:\mathrm{functions} \]
Adjusting Simulation Models to Match Data
Many (most?) useful probability models are easily specified as step-by-step recipes for simulation, but have ugly, complicated distributions for the data. (Nonlinear dependencies and latent variables are both tend to lead to complicated distributions.) Since the models have adjustable parameters, we would like to adjust them so that they match the data we have about the world. If the distributions were straightforward, we could just calculate the likelihood and maximize it (or use Bayesian updating, etc.), but that's not really possible when the distribution is ugly. What to do?
Method of Moments and Friends
Moments (\(\Expect{X}, \Expect{X^2}, \ldots ) \) are functional of the probability distribution. If our model has a \( k \)-dimensional parameter vector \( \theta \), then we should generally be able to find \( k \) moments which characterize or identify the parameter, meaning that there are functions \( f_1, f_2, \ldots f_k \) such that (i) \( \Expect{X} = f_1(\theta), \Expect{X^2} = f_2(\theta), \ldots \Expect{X^k} = f_k(\theta) \), and (ii) if \( \theta_1 \neq \theta_2 \), then at least one of the \( k \) moments differs, \( f_j(\theta_1) \neq f_j(\theta_2) \) for some \( j \in 1:k \).
If we know the functions \( f_1, \ldots f_k \), and we knew the population moments, we could then solve for the matching \( \theta \). (We could also test the model, as opposed to the parameter value, by seeing if that \( \theta \) let us match other population moments; and of course if there were no solution for \( \theta \).) Since we only see sample moments, in the method of moments we try to solve for the parameters which match them: \( \hat{\theta}_{MM} \) is the \( \theta \) where \[ f_i(\theta) = \overline{x^i} ~, ~ i \in 1:k \] (We can then test this by looking at whether we can match other, mathematically-independent functionals.) Since it's annoying to have to keep the subscripts and superscripts \( i \) around, let's say that \( f(\theta) \) is the vector-valued function of theoretical moments, and \( m \) is the vector of sample moments. Our earlier assumption (ii) means that \( f^{-1} \) exists, so \[ \hat{\theta}_{MM} = f^{-1}(m) \] By the law of large numbers, we expect \( m \) to approach the population moments as we see more data. For \( n \) not-too-dependent observations, the error should be \( O(1/\sqrt{n}) \), and then if \( f^{-1} \) is a reasonably smooth function, propagation of error tells us that \( \|\hat{\theta}_MM - \theta \| = O(1/\sqrt{n}) \) itself.
It might happen, due to sampling fluctuations, that the observed moments \( m \) are not ones which could ever be theoretical moments for the model --- that \( m \) is not in the range of \( f(\theta) \), no matter how we adjust \( \theta \). The usual approach then is to minimize: \[ \hat{\theta}_{MM} = \argmin_{\theta}{\| f(\theta) - m \|} \] (While I've written this for the ordinary Euclidean norm, it is often better to minimize a weighted norm, giving more emphasis to the moments which have smaller standard errors. This refinement can come later.)
So far I've said nothing about simulation. I've presumed that we can find the moments as explicit functions of the parameters --- that we know \( f \). However, if we can simulate our model at our favorite \( \theta \), we can get arbitrarily accurate approximations to \( f \). Specifically, if we can do \(