Video Series: Counting In 2021 with Mechanical Calculators
eagereyes 2020-12-17
Mechanical calculators are fascinating. I may have gone down a few rabbit holes on this topic earlier this year, and acquired a few. As a little celebration of the end of this year, and to start the new one, I’m creating a small series of videos about them and releasing one each week.
Here’s the teaser for the series, which I’m calling Counting in 2021 (I’ve created a YouTube playlist for your convenience, and of course you should subscribe to my channel to be the first to see them when they come out!).
The idea is to make them all follow a similar structure, with high production values (glorious 4K!) and not a lot of talking. There will be some, but there will also be a lot more music than in any of my videos so far. I really hope you like the soundtrack in the teaser, because you’ll hear it again…
I won’t post here about each individual one, but I will add links below and then post again when the series is complete. This is the plan:
- 12/21: Addiator and FEDTRO Instamatic
- 12/28: GEM Adding Machine
- 1/4: Swift and Hoffritz Calculators
- 1/11: Comptometer
- 1/18: Torpedo Schell-Addiermaschine
- 1/25: Curta
This is a bit of a departure from the usual programming here, but I hope the folks reading my blog and following my channel will find it interesting.