RSS readers on Linux

The Endeavour 2013-03-19

This afternoon I asked on UnixToolTip for suggestions of RSS readers on Linux. Here are the suggestions I got, in order of popularity.

  1. Liferea (Linux desktop)
  2. newsbeuter (Terminal-based. See installation notes)
  3. Akregator (KDE)
  4. Brief (Firefox plugin)
  5. rss2email (email)
  6. Tiny Tiny RSS (server)
  7. Gnus RSS (Emacs)
  8. Thunderbird (desktop)


Some other readers available on Linux:

  1. NewsBlur (web, iOS, Android)
  2. Feedly (web, iOS, Android)
  3. Sage (Firefox plugin)
  4. Opera (web)
  5. RSSOwl (multiplatform desktop)
  6. rawdog
  7. Canto (terminal)
  8. Raggle (terminal)
  9. Snownews (terminal)
  10. QuiteRSS (multiplatform desktop)