What’s New in Release 6.2: Additional ScaleR Features

R-bloggers 2013-04-02


by Thomas Dinsmore Revolution R Enterprise Release 6.2 is in track for General Availability on April 22. In previous posts, I've commented on support for open source R 2.15.3 and Stepwise Regression. Today I'll wrap this series with a summary of some of the other new features supported in this release. Parallel Random Number Generation For analysts seeking to perform Monte Carlo analysis (and similar techniques) Revolution R Enterprise Release 6.2 supports parallel random number generation. The new functions rxRngNewStream, rxRngGetStream, rxRngSetStream, and rxRngDelStream provide an R interface to the parallel random number generators supplied with the Intel MKL libraries....



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Thomas W DInsmore

Date tagged:

04/02/2013, 19:24

Date published:

04/02/2013, 11:15