flip and rotate branches in ggtree
R-bloggers 2015-07-01
(This article was first published on YGC » R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers)
flip function is a feature request from ggtree user. It accepts a tree view and two node numbers and exchange the positions of the selected clades.
require(ggtree)set.seed(2015-07-01)tr <- rtree(30)p <- ggtree(tr) + geom_text(aes(label=node))gridExtra::grid.arrange(p, flip(p, 38, 33), ncol=2)
It’s chainable and all possible position adjustment can be achieved via multiple flip operations.
flip(p, 38, 33) %>% flip(53, 58) %>% flip(32, 51)
It’s tedious to rotate a clade by 180 degree with several flip operations, ggtree provides another function rotate that accepts a selected node and rotate that branch by 180 degree.
col = c("black", "firebrick", "steelblue")[groupClade(tr, c(33, 52))]gridExtra::grid.arrange(ggtree(tr, color=col), ggtree(tr, color=col) %>% rotate(33) %>% rotate(52), ncol=2)
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