Investigating Cryptocurrencies using R
R-bloggers 2017-07-16
Cryptocurrencies are a fascinating phenomenon and excellent data source for analysis with R. This post will introduce how to get a list of available currencies into R. Wikipedia maintains a page with a list of cryptocurrencies. These can be read from HTML into a data frame.library(httr)library(XML)results = GET("")doc = readHTMLTable(doc=content(results, "text"))View(doc[1])This list is not complete. Also, an API would be preferable to reading a wiki page. A publicly available API at provides similar information in JSON format.library(jsonlite)library(data.table)response = fromJSON('')df = data.table::rbindlist(response$Data, fill=TRUE)View(df)With a bit of shiny code, this data can be served up in a web application and published to so you can skip the R coding and review the data here if you prefer: