Visualizing sampling error and dynamic graphics

Stats Chat 2014-07-05

Robert Grant writes:

What do you think of this visualisation from the NYT [in an article by Neil Irwin and Kevin Quealy but I'm not sure if they're the designers of the visualization]? I’m pretty impressed as a method of showing sampling error to a general audience!

I agree.

P.S. In related news, Antony Unwin writes:

A couple of weeks ago you had a discussion on graphics on your blog and it seemed to me that people had very different ideas about what the term “Interactive Graphics” means. For some it is about interacting with presentation graphics on the web, for others it is about using interactive graphics to do data analysis. You really need to see interactive graphics in action to get a feel for it.

I have made a ten minute film to give the flavour of interactive graphics for data analysis with data on last year’s Tour de France and using Martin Theus’s software Mondrian.

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