The Gap

Normal Deviate 2013-03-18

No, not the store. I am referring to the gap between the invention of a method and the theoretical justification for that method.

It is hard to quantify the gap because, for any method, there is always dispute about who invented (discovered?) it, and who nailed the theory. For example, maximum likelihood is usually credited to Ronald Fisher but one could argue that it was really invented by Gauss or Laplace. And who provided the theory for maximum likelihood? Well, most people would say Fisher. But you could also argue that Le Cam was the one who really made it rigorous.

So, with these caveats in my mind, here are a few examples of the gap. I am interested to hear your examples (as well as your opinions about my examples.)

METHOD INVENTOR THEORETICAL JUSTIFICATION Maximum Likelihood Fisher 1912 Fisher 1922 The Bootstrap Efron 1979 Gine and Zinn 1990 The Lasso Tibshirani 1996 Greenshtein and Ritov 2004 False Discovery Rate Schweder, Spotvoll 1982 Benjamini and Hochberg 1995 Wavelet Denoising Haar 1905 Donoho and Johnstone 1998 Cross-validation Stone 1974 Gyorfi, Kohler, Krzyzak, and Walk 2002 Causal Inference Rubin 1974 Rubin 1974, Robins 1989 (Counterfactual Version) Causal Inference Wright 1934 Spirtes, Glymour, Scheines 1987 (Graphical Version) and Pearl and Verma 1991

Every item in the above list is debatable. For example, I consider Gine amd Zinn (1990) the first definitive result that clarifies necessary and sufficient conditions to justify the bootstrap. But one could well argue that earlier papers Bickel and Freedman (1981) and Singh (1981) deserve that label.

What items do you disagree with?

What items would you add?

Partial List of References

John Aldrich. (1997). R.A. Fisher and the making of maximum likelihood 1912-1922. Statist. Sci., 12, 162-176.

Donoho, David L and Johnstone, Iain M. Minimax estimation via wavelet shrinkage. The Annals of Statistics, 26, 879-921.

Efron, Bradley. (1997). Bootstrap methods: another look at the jackknife. The annals of Statistics, 7, 1-26.

Gine, Evarist and Zinn, Joel. (1990). Bootstrapping general empirical measures. The Annals of Probability, 851–869.

Greenshtein, Eitan and Ritov, Ya’Acov. (2004). Persistence in high-dimensional linear predictor selection and the virtue of overparametrization. Bernoulli, 10, 971-988.

Gy{ö}rfi, L{á}szl{ó} and Kohler, Michael and Krzyzak, Adam and Walk, Harro. (2002). A distribution-free theory of nonparametric regression, Springer.

Tibshirani, Robert. (1996). Regression shrinkage and selection via the lasso. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, 267–288.

P.S. Thanks to Ryan Tibshirani and David Choi for discussions on this topic.