Nina Zumel and John Mount part of R Day at Strata + Hadoop World in San Jose 2016

Win-Vector Blog 2016-01-25

Nina Zumel and I are honored to have been invited to be part of Strata + Hadoop World in San Jose 2016 R Day organized by RStudio and O’Reilly.

We have written a lot on the topic of model validation in R and we are very excited to distill it down to an exciting tutorial.

We put a lot of time and effort into preparing something like this. Help in promoting our appearances is greatly appreciated. One possible way is to please Tweet or share on Facebook/LinkedIn/Google+/Ello/… something like the following:

Nina Zumel and John Mount on Validating Models in R as part of #R day #StrataHadoop 2016 @strataconf

We are also working on a number of follow-up projects on related topics (many free!). So expect more announcements soon.

For more news/announcements please follow us on: