Shiny Developer Conference
Win-Vector Blog 2016-01-31
Really enjoying RStudio‘s Shiny Developer Conference | Stanford University | January 2016.
Winston Chang just demonstrated profvis, really slick. You can profile code just by wrapping it in a profvis({})
block and the results are exported as interactive HTML widgets.
For example, running the R code below:
if(!('profvis' %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) { devtools::install_github('rstudio/profvis')}library('profvis')nrow = 10000ncol = 1000data <-*ncol), nrow=nrow,ncol=ncol))profvis({ d <- data means <- apply(d,2,mean) for(i in seq_along(means)) { d[[i]] <- d[[i]] - means[[i]] }})
Produces an interactive version of the following profile information:
Definitely check it out!
Many other great presentations, this one is just particularly easy to share.