Free e-book: Exploring Data Science

Win-Vector Blog 2016-06-13

We are pleased to announce a new free e-book from Manning Publications: Exploring Data Science. Exploring Data Science is a collection of five chapters hand picked by John Mount and Nina Zumel, introducing you to various areas in data science and explaining which methodologies work best for each.

ExploringDataScienceExploring Data Science gives you a free sample of important data science topics chosen from great Manning books. Each chapter was chosen by John Mount and Nina Zumel and includes a brief orientation/introduction. The topics are:

  1. Exploring data: Chapter 3 from Practical Data Science with R.
  2. Time series: Chapter 15 from R in Action, Second Edition.
  3. Deep learning and neural networks: Chapter 6 from Algorithms of the Intelligent Web, Second Edition.
  4. Text mining and text analytics: Chapter 8 from Introducing Data Science.
  5. Modeling dependencies with Bayesian and Markov networks: Chapter 5 from Practical Probabilistic Programming.

This 191 page e-book is free, but only officially licensed/available from To get your free PDF click here and use Manning’s online shopping system. You will have to enter your email and other details, but Manning Publications is a reputable vendor well worth having an account with.

Please check it out! And please help us promote this fun offering by posting, sharing, and Tweeting.

Update: in addition to the excerpted chapters and new introductions the free e-book contains special discount codes for any of the books mentioned!!! So this is really something to consider if you want to deepen or broaden your data science knowledge.