magrittr’s Doppelgänger
Win-Vector Blog 2017-01-11
R picked up a nifty way to organize sequential calculations in May of 2014: magrittr
by Stefan Milton Bache and Hadley Wickham. magrittr
is now quite popular and also has become the backbone of current dplyr
If you read my last article on assignment carefully you may have noticed I wrote some code that was equivalent to a magrittr
pipeline without using the “%>%
” operator. This note will expand (tongue in cheek) that notation into an alternative to magrittr
that you should never use.
Superman #169 (May 1964, copyright DC)
What follows is a joke (though everything does work as I state it does, nothing is faked).
] Provides a mechanism for chaining commands with a new forward-pipe operator, %>%. This operator will forward a value, or the result of an expression, into the next function call/expression. There is flexible support for the type of right-hand side expressions. For more information, see package vignette. To quote Rene Magritte, “Ceci n’est pas un pipe.”
Once you read up on magrittr
and try some examples you tend to be sold. magrittr
is a graceful notation for chaining multiple calculations and managing intermediate results. For our example consider in R
the following chain of function applications:
sqrt(tan(cos(sin(7)))) # [1] 1.006459library("magrittr")7 %>% sin() %>% cos() %>% tan() %>% sqrt() # [1] 1.006459
Both are artificial examples, but the magrittr
notation is much easier to read. The pipe notation removes some of the pain of chaining so many functions and is a good realization of the mathematical function composition operator traditionally written as “(g ⚬ f)(x) = g(f(x))
” (though magrittr
reverses things and feeds arguments from the left). The replacing of nesting with composition allows us to read left to right instead of right to left.
Bizarro magrittr
itself is largely what is called “syntactic sugar” (though if you look at the code, say by “print(magrittr::`%>%`)
” you will see magrittr
commands some fairly heroic control of the evaluation order to achieve its effect). If we didn’t care about syntax we could write processing pipelines without magrittr::`%>%`
as follows.
# "Piping" without magrittr.7 ->.; sin(.) ->.; cos(.) ->.; tan(.) ->.; sqrt(.) # [1] 1.006459
The above is essentially the same pipeline (modulo lazy versus eager evaluation, some issues regarding printing, and the visibility and lifetime of “.
“). We could even write it with the industry preferred left arrow by using “;.<-
” throughout (though we would need to use “->.;.<-
” to start such a pipeline). What I am saying if we thought of “->.;
” as an atomic (indivisible plus non-mixable) glyph (as we are already encouraged to think of “<-
” as) then that glyph is pretty much a piping operator. In a perverse sense “->.;
” is a poor man’s “%>%
“. Oddly enough we can think of the semicolon as doing the heavy lifting as it is a statement sequencer (and functional programming monads can be thought of as “programmable semicolons”).
Things Get Worse
” may be slightly faster than “%>%
“. It makes sense, as the semicolon-hack is doing a lot less for us than a true magrittr
pipe. This difference (which is not important) is only going to show up when when we have a tiny amount of data, where the expression control remains a significant portion of the processing time (which it never is in practice!). magrittr
is in fact fast, it is just that doing nothing is a tiny bit faster.
Everything below is a correct calculation, it is just a deliberate example of going too far measuring something that does not matter. The sensible conclusion is: use magrittr
, despite the following silliness.
library("microbenchmark")library("magrittr")library("ggplot2")set.seed(234634)fmagrittr <- function(d) { d %>% sin() %>% cos() %>% tan() %>% sqrt()}fmagrittrdot <- function(d) { d %>% sin(.) %>% cos(.) %>% tan(.) %>% sqrt(.)}fsemicolon <- function(d) { d ->.; sin(.) ->.; cos(.) ->.; tan(.) ->.; sqrt(.)}bm <- microbenchmark( fmagrittr(7), fmagrittrdot(7), fsemicolon(7), control=list(warmup=100L, order='random'), times=10000L)print(bm) # Unit: nanoseconds # expr min lq mean median uq max neval # fmagrittr(7) 131963 144236.5 195215.382 152369.0 198086.5 46334306 10000 # fmagrittrdot(7) 122073 133890.5 180565.648 140880.5 181644.0 9719861 10000 # fsemicolon(7) 911 1413.0 2338.602 1708.0 2414.5 1387130 10000t.test(bm$time[bm$expr!='fsemicolon(7)'], bm$time[bm$expr=='fsemicolon(7)']) # Welch Two Sample t-test # # data: bm$time[bm$expr != "fsemicolon(7)"] and bm$time[bm$expr == "fsemicolon(7)"] # t = 70.304, df = 20112, p-value < 2.2e-16 # alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 # 95 percent confidence interval: # 180378.7 190725.1 # sample estimates: # mean of x mean of y # 187890.515 2338.602 highcut <- quantile(bm$time,probs=0.95)table(bm$expr[bm$time>=highcut]) # fmagrittr(7) fmagrittrdot(7) fsemicolon(7) # 890 609 1 ggplot(,aes(x=time,color=expr)) + geom_density(adjust=0.3) + facet_wrap(~expr,ncol=1,scales = 'free_y') + scale_x_continuous(limits = c(min(bm$time),highcut))
I am most emphatically not suggesting use of “->.;
” as a poor man’s “%>%
“! But there is a relation, both “%>%
” and semicolon are about sequencing statements.
Again, everything above was a joke (though nothing was fake, everything does run as I claimed it did). (Also I forgot to mention, you usually can’t place “;
” inside parenthesis, but that isn’t a big problem has you can work around a lot of such issues by introducing braces {}
. And by “semantics” above I am being very loose, perhaps meaning “user visible results.” In particular I have been ignoring the difference between lazy and eager evaluation, and not considering dplyr
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