Tutorial: Using seplyr to Program Over dplyr

Win-Vector Blog 2017-07-22

seplyr is an R package that makes it easy to program over dplyr 0.7.*.

To illustrate this we will work an example.

Suppose you had worked out a dplyr pipeline that performed an analysis you were interested in. For an example we could take something similar to one of the examples from the dplyr 0.7.0 announcement.

## [1] '0.7.2'
cat(colnames(starwars), sep='\n')
## name
## height
## mass
## hair_color
## skin_color
## eye_color
## birth_year
## gender
## homeworld
## species
## films
## vehicles
## starships
starwars %>%
  group_by(homeworld) %>%
  summarise(mean_height = 
              mean(height, na.rm = TRUE),
            mean_mass = 
              mean(mass, na.rm = TRUE),
            count = n())
## # A tibble: 49 x 4
##         homeworld mean_height mean_mass count
##             <chr>       <dbl>     <dbl> <int>
##  1       Alderaan    176.3333      64.0     3
##  2    Aleen Minor     79.0000      15.0     1
##  3         Bespin    175.0000      79.0     1
##  4     Bestine IV    180.0000     110.0     1
##  5 Cato Neimoidia    191.0000      90.0     1
##  6          Cerea    198.0000      82.0     1
##  7       Champala    196.0000       NaN     1
##  8      Chandrila    150.0000       NaN     1
##  9   Concord Dawn    183.0000      79.0     1
## 10       Corellia    175.0000      78.5     2
## # ... with 39 more rows

The above is colloquially called "an interactive script." The name comes from the fact that we use names of variables (such as "homeworld") that would only be known from looking at the data directly in the analysis code. Only somebody interacting with the data could write such a script (hence the name).

It has long been considered a point of discomfort to convert such an interactive dplyr pipeline into a re-usable script or function. That is a script or function that specifies column names in some parametric or re-usable fashion. Roughly it means the names of the data columns are not yet known when we are writing the code (and this is what makes the code re-usable).

This inessential (or conquerable) difficulty is largely a due to the preference for non-standard evaluation interfaces (that is interfaces that capture and inspect un-evaluated expressions from their calling interface) in the design dplyr.

seplyr is a dplyr adapter layer that prefers "slightly clunkier" standard interfaces (or referentially transparent interfaces), which are actually very powerful and can be used to some advantage.

The above description and comparisons can come off as needlessly broad and painfully abstract. Things are much clearer if we move away from theory and return to our practical example.

Let’s translate the above example into a re-usable function in small (easy) stages. First translate the interactive script from dplyr notation into seplyr notation. This step is a pure re-factoring, we are changing the code without changing its observable external behavior.

The translation is mechanical in that it is mostly using seplyr documentation as a lookup table. What you have to do is:

  • Change dplyr verbs to their matching seplyr "*_se()" adapters.
  • Add quote marks around names and expressions.
  • Convert sequences of expressions (such as in the summarize()) to explicit vectors by adding the "c()" notation.
  • Replace "=" in expressions with ":=".

Our converted code looks like the following.


starwars %>%
  group_by_se("homeworld") %>%
  summarize_se(c("mean_height" := 
                   "mean(height, na.rm = TRUE)",
                 "mean_mass" := 
                   "mean(mass, na.rm = TRUE)",
                 "count" := "n()"))
## # A tibble: 49 x 4
##         homeworld mean_height mean_mass count
##             <chr>       <dbl>     <dbl> <int>
##  1       Alderaan    176.3333      64.0     3
##  2    Aleen Minor     79.0000      15.0     1
##  3         Bespin    175.0000      79.0     1
##  4     Bestine IV    180.0000     110.0     1
##  5 Cato Neimoidia    191.0000      90.0     1
##  6          Cerea    198.0000      82.0     1
##  7       Champala    196.0000       NaN     1
##  8      Chandrila    150.0000       NaN     1
##  9   Concord Dawn    183.0000      79.0     1
## 10       Corellia    175.0000      78.5     2
## # ... with 39 more rows

This code works the same as the original dplyr code. Obviously at this point all we have done is: worked to make the code a bit less pleasant looking. We have yet to see any benefit from this conversion (though we can turn this on its head and say all the original dplyr notation is saving us is from having to write a few quote marks).

The benefit is: this new code can very easily be parameterized and wrapped in a re-usable function. In fact it is now simpler to do than to describe.

For example: suppose (as in the original example) we want to create a function that lets us choose the grouping variable? This is now easy, we copy the code into a function and replace the explicit value "homeworld" with a variable:

starwars_mean <- function(my_var) {
  starwars %>%
    group_by_se(my_var) %>%
    summarize_se(c("mean_height" := 
                     "mean(height, na.rm = TRUE)",
                   "mean_mass" := 
                     "mean(mass, na.rm = TRUE)",
                   "count" := "n()"))

## # A tibble: 13 x 4
##       hair_color mean_height mean_mass count
##            <chr>       <dbl>     <dbl> <int>
##  1        auburn    150.0000       NaN     1
##  2  auburn, grey    180.0000       NaN     1
##  3 auburn, white    182.0000  77.00000     1
##  4         black    174.3333  73.05714    13
##  5         blond    176.6667  80.50000     3
##  6        blonde    168.0000  55.00000     1
##  7         brown    175.2667  79.27273    18
##  8   brown, grey    178.0000 120.00000     1
##  9          grey    170.0000  75.00000     1
## 10          none    180.8889  78.51852    37
## 11       unknown         NaN       NaN     1
## 12         white    156.0000  59.66667     4
## 13          <NA>    141.6000 314.20000     5

In seplyr programming is easy (just replace values with variables). For example we can make a completely generic re-usable "grouped mean" function using R‘s paste() function to build up expressions.

grouped_mean <- function(data, 
                         value_variables) {
  result_names <- paste0("mean_", 
  expressions <- paste0("mean(", 
                        ", na.rm = TRUE)")
  calculation <- result_names := expressions
  print(as.list(calculation)) # print for demo
  data %>%
    group_by_se(grouping_variables) %>%
                   "count" := "n()"))

starwars %>% 
  grouped_mean(grouping_variables = "eye_color",
               value_variables = c("mass", "birth_year"))
## $mean_mass
## [1] "mean(mass, na.rm = TRUE)"
## $mean_birth_year
## [1] "mean(birth_year, na.rm = TRUE)"

## # A tibble: 15 x 4
##        eye_color mean_mass mean_birth_year count
##            <chr>     <dbl>           <dbl> <int>
##  1         black  76.28571        33.00000    10
##  2          blue  86.51667        67.06923    19
##  3     blue-gray  77.00000        57.00000     1
##  4         brown  66.09231       108.96429    21
##  5          dark       NaN             NaN     1
##  6          gold       NaN             NaN     1
##  7 green, yellow 159.00000             NaN     1
##  8         hazel  66.00000        34.50000     3
##  9        orange 282.33333       231.00000     8
## 10          pink       NaN             NaN     1
## 11           red  81.40000        33.66667     5
## 12     red, blue       NaN             NaN     1
## 13       unknown  31.50000             NaN     3
## 14         white  48.00000             NaN     1
## 15        yellow  81.11111        76.38000    11

The only part that requires more study and practice was messing around with the expressions using paste() (for more details on the string manipulation please try "help(paste)"). Notice also we used the ":=" operator to bind the list of desired result names to the matching calculations (please see "help(named_map_builder)" for more details).

The point is: we did not have to bring in (or study) any deep-theory or heavy-weight tools such as rlang/tidyeval or lazyeval to complete our programming task. Once you are in seplyr notation, changes are very easy. You can separate translating into seplyr notation from the work of designing your wrapper function (breaking your programming work into smaller easier to understand steps).

The seplyr method is simple, easy to teach, and powerful. The package contains a number of worked examples both in help() and vignette(package='seplyr') documentation.