Supervised Learning in R: Regression

Win-Vector Blog 2017-08-14

We are very excited to announce a new (paid) Win-Vector LLC video training course: Supervised Learning in R: Regression now available on DataCamp

Shield image course 3851 20170725 24872 3f982zThe course is primarily authored by Dr. Nina Zumel (our chief of course design) with contributions from Dr. John Mount. This course will get you quickly up to speed covering:

  • What is regression? (Hint: it is the art of making good numeric predictions, one of the most important tasks in data science, machine learning, or statistics.)
  • When does it work, and when does it not work?
  • How to move fluidly from basic ordinary least squares to Kaggle-winning methods such as gradient boosted trees.

All of this is demonstrated using R, with many worked examples and exercises.

We worked very hard to make this course very much worth your time.