Permutation Theory In Action

Win-Vector Blog 2017-09-02

While working on a large client project using Sparklyr and multinomial regression we recently ran into a problem: Apache Spark chooses the order of multinomial regression outcome targets, whereas R users are used to choosing the order of the targets (please see here for some details). So to make things more like R users expect, we need a way to translate one order to another.

Providing good solutions to gaps like this is one of the thing Win-Vector LLC does both in our consulting and training practices.

Let’s take a look at an example. Suppose our two orderings are o1 (the ordering Spark ML chooses) and o2 (the order the R user chooses).

symbols <- letters[1:7]

o1 <- sample(symbols, length(symbols), replace = FALSE)
## [1] "e" "a" "b" "f" "d" "c" "g"
o2 <- sample(symbols, length(symbols), replace = FALSE)
## [1] "d" "g" "f" "e" "b" "c" "a"

To translate Spark results into R results we need a permutation that takes o1 to o2. The idea is: if we had a permeation that takes o1 to o2 we could use it to re-map predictions that are in o1 order to be predictions in o2 order.

To solve this we crack open our article on the algebra of permutations.

We are going to use the fact that the R command base::order(x) builds a permutation p such that x[p] is in order.

Given this the solution is: we find permutations p1 and p2 such that o1[p1] is ordered and o2[p2] is ordered. Then build a permutation perm such that o1[perm] = (o1[p1])[inverse_permutation(p2)]. I.e., to get from o1 to o2 move o1 to sorted order and then move from the sorted order to o2‘s order (by using the reverse of the process that sorts o2). Again, the tools to solve this are in our article on the relation between permutations and indexing.

Below is the complete solution (including combining the two steps into a single permutation):

p1 <- order(o1)
p2 <- order(o2)

# invert p2
# see:
p2inv <- seq_len(length(p2))
p2inv[p2] <- seq_len(length(p2))

## [1] "d" "g" "f" "e" "b" "c" "a"
# composition rule: (o1[p1])[p2inv] == o1[p1[p2inv]]
# see:
perm <- p1[p2inv]
## [1] "d" "g" "f" "e" "b" "c" "a"

The equivilence "(o1[p1])[p2inv] == o1[p1[p2inv]]" is frankly magic (though also quickly follows "by definition"), and studying it is the topic of our original article on permutations.

The above application is a good example of why it is nice to have a little theory worked out, even before you think you need it.