Take Care If Trying the RPostgres Package

Win-Vector Blog 2018-03-16

Take care if trying the new RPostgres database connection package. By default it returns some non-standard types that code developed against other database drivers may not expect, and may not be ready to defend against.


Danger, Will Robinson!

Trying the new package

One can try the newer RPostgres as a drop-in replacement for the usual RPostgreSQL.

That starts out okay. We can connect to the database and and pull a summary about remote data to R.

db <- DBI::dbConnect(  RPostgres::Postgres(),  host = 'localhost',  port = 5432,  user = 'johnmount',  password = '')
## Warning: multiple methods tables found for 'dbQuoteLiteral'
d <- DBI::dbGetQuery(  db,   "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables")print(d)
##   count## 1   177
ntables <- d$count[[1]]print(ntables)
## integer64## [1] 177

The result at first looks okay.

## [1] "integer64"
## [1] "double"
ntables + 1L
## integer64## [1] 178
ntables + 1
## integer64## [1] 178
## [1] TRUE

But it is only okay, until it is not.

pmax(1L, ntables)
## [1] 8.744962e-322
pmin(1L, ntables)
## [1] 1
ifelse(TRUE, ntables, ntables)
## [1] 8.744962e-322
for(ni in ntables) {  print(ni)}
## [1] 8.744962e-322
## [1] 8.744962e-322

If your code, or any package code you are using, perform any of the above calculations, your results will be corrupt and wrong. It is quite likely any code written before December 2017 (RPostgres‘s first CRAN distribution) would not have been written with the RPostgres "integer64 for all of my friends" design decision in mind.

Also note, RPostgres does not currently appear to write integer64 back to the database.

DBI::dbWriteTable(db, "d", d,                   temporary = TRUE,                   overwrite = TRUE)DBI::dbGetQuery(db, "  SELECT      column_name,      data_type,      numeric_precision,      numeric_precision_radix,     udt_name  FROM      information_schema.columns   WHERE      table_name = 'd'  ")
##   column_name data_type numeric_precision numeric_precision_radix udt_name## 1       count      real                24                       2   float4

The work-around

The work-around is: add the argument bigint = "numeric" to your dbConnect() call. This is mentioned in the manual, but not the default and not called out in the package description or README. Or, of course, you could use RPostgreSQL.