AI for Engineers
Win-Vector Blog 2019-10-09
For the last year we (Nina Zumel, and myself: John Mount) have had the honor of teaching the AI200 portion of LinkedIn’s AI Academy.
John Mount at the LinkedIn campus
Nina Zumel designed most of the material, and John Mount has been delivering it and bringing her feedback. We’ve just started our 9th cohort. We adjust the course each time. Our students teach us a lot about how one thinks about data science. We bring that forward to each round of the course.
Roughly the goal is the following.
If every engineer, product manager, and project manager had some hands-on experience with data science and AI (deep neural nets), then they are both more likely to think of using these techniques in their work and of introducing the instrumentation required to have useful data in the first place.
This will have huge downstream benefits for LinkedIn. Our group is thrilled to be a part of this.
We are looking for more companies that want an on-site data science intensive for their teams (either in Python or in R).