More derby wife gushing
Not So Standard Deviations 2013-03-17
My derby wife Logistic Aggression (aka Hanna Wallach) posted a fantastic essay (via her blog) about things she’s learned from roller derby. Some points are pretty derby specific, and some are more broadly applicable. Points 4 and 5 – about “growth mindset” and “grit” – are especially worth a look for non-roller-girls, and apply directly to challenges in grad school. Kate Clancy, an Anthropology professor and roller girl in Illinois, has also written a series of awesome, insightful essays about the connection between derby and academics. I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for discussions about the parallels between sports and real life. But there’s been something about doing such an intense organized sport outside of the traditional time to do so that has made it a much more enlightening experience.
Basically if you want to figure out who the really cool, insightful professors are, look for the roller girls! (No offense to the male professors of course – but there is male roller derby so no excuses!)
edit 3/13/13: Logistic Aggression’s essay has been featured in DerbyLife!