Is Google Keep Better Than a Post-It?

Views - MIT Technology Review 2013-03-28


Keep’s paper-like qualities might just beat its computery ones.

In January, I did something heretical for a productivity-app-obsessed tech writer: I threw away the “list” apps on my phone and went back to paper. As a queryable, bottomless, always-accessible database of my every passing thought, a Post-It stuck to my iPhone certainly falls short compared to Evernote or Clear. But here’s what I realized: for me, most of the time, I don’t need a database, nor do I want to spend time querying and managing one. I’m with Bret Victor: interacting with software mostly sucks on principle. For the job of “jotting” random stuff, paper’s form (physical, flexible, direct) just plain beat software’s function. 


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03/28/2013, 15:36

Date published:

03/21/2013, 16:07