My Dumb Phone Experiment: Phase Two

Views - MIT Technology Review 2013-03-28


In which I upgrade my dumb phone – reluctantly.

You may recall that I have become one of these Thoreau types who has forsaken all society, by which I mean that I have given up my iPhone. Or, not quite given it up – it was stolen, and then I chose not to replace it, and then I blogged about my experiences with a $20 Alcatel dumb phone for a month, and then my dad gave me a Verizon iPhone without a data plan that I use as a sort of iPod Touch. In a word, I’m not quite living in a cabin in the woods. But I’m very stubblornly trying to shed myself of the constant connectivity that was the hallmark of my prior iPhone-centric life.


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#edutech » Views - MIT Technology Review


Date tagged:

03/28/2013, 15:36

Date published:

03/11/2013, 16:37