Thinking Generously

ProfHacker 2018-03-06

Story Bridge by Nightfall, Brisbane

Last week, Kathleen Fitzpatrick made available the manuscript of her latest book project, Generous Thinking: The University and the Public Good for open review on Humanities Commons, the repository she led the way on building while at the MLA. It’s always great to read Kathleen on reading, and she’s done a lot of work over the past decade to live out her rhetoric of generosity.

Generous Thinking builds on her previous book, Planned Obsolescence: Publishing, Technology, and the Future of the Academy by turning its attention from inside the academy to ways to connect with surrounding communities:

Planned Obsolescence explored a number of potential transformations in the ways that scholars work and communicate with one another that were being inspired by the networks through which we are connected; Generous Thinking turns its attention to the ways that scholars might connect and communicate with a range of off-campus communities about our shared interests and concerns, which I believe will be a necessary element of rebuilding the relationship between the university and the public that it is meant to serve.

That this relationship needs rebuilding seems all too evident as I write, in February 2018, as the news is filled with evidence of spectacular failures: the university has been undermined by the withdrawal of public support for its functions, but that public support has been undermined by the university’s own betrayals of the public trust. My hope is that Generous Thinking might provide one pathway toward renewing that trust. It won’t be easy, but it’s crucial to the future of higher education in the U.S. that we try.

The open peer review is powered by CommentPress, which lets you make comments on the individual paragraph level, rather than at the bottom of the page, thus facilitating more precise feedback. I believe this review is only open for another month or so, so if you have a spring break upcoming, why not have a look?

Photo “Story Bridge by Nightfall, Brisbane” by Flickr user Lenny K Photography / Creative Commons licensed BY-2.0