‘U.S. News’ Releases New Rankings of Online Programs

Wired Campus 2014-01-15


U.S. News & World Report has released its 2014 Best Online Programs rankings.

Nearly 1,000 programs answered questionnaires from U.S. News last summer for this year’s rankings. In 2012 only 860 questionnaires were submitted. Only all-online, degree-granting programs in popular areas, such as nursing, technology, and business, were evaluated.

The online graduate business program at Indiana University at Bloomington ranked first this year in its category, up from third place in 2013.

Idalene Kesne...



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distance education online courses


Danya Perez-Hernandez

Date tagged:

01/15/2014, 11:00

Date published:

01/15/2014, 10:57