So the march is on. Fifteen years after Granny D started her…

Lessig 2013-12-20

So the march is on. Fifteen years after Granny D started her march across the United States in the name of “campaign finance reform,” we will begin our march across New Hampshire (the long way), in the name of “corruption reform.” 

We’ve launched the #NHRebellion website. Check out the route, and think about what you can do. We need people to walk — 185 miles, in January, but we guarantee free coffee. Even if you can’t afford the 2 weeks it will take, you can sign up for any part. And best of all: Once you sign up, they give you this really cool URL so people can pledge to support you, which means supports the #NHRebellion, which means supports the next step to fixing this mess. Here’s my sponsorship link: here’s my “please sponsor me” request.  

Thanks to the Americans Who Tell The Truth project for permitting us to use the beautiful image of Granny D. And please do what you can to help spread the word. 

(Original post on Tumblr)