Academia Next – it’s discount time for my book!

Bryan Alexander 2020-08-17

Academia Next coverThis past winter my most recent book, Academia Next, appeared in print and ebook formats.  Reactions have been fascinating and gratifying so far.

Now I’d like to share a way of getting the book for cheap!  This pleases me as someone who always looks for a sale, but it’s especially important as economies stagger and campuses slash their budgets.

This week Johns Hopkins University Press has put some of its higher education studies collection on sale.  Just use the code “HHED” (no quotation marks) during checkout and chop 30% off of each title. You can get my book that way.

I can recommend other titles as well, like Edward J. Maloney and Joshua Kim’s brand new The Low-Density University: 15 Scenarios for Higher Education.  I think that’s the first major scholarly book about the 2020 crisis.  You can also grab Eddie and Josh’s previous book, Learning Innovation and the Future of Higher Education.

David Staley’s Alternative Universities: Speculative Design for Innovation in Higher Education is there and I can’t recommend it enough.  It’s an inspired imagining of multiple possibilities for higher education, each powered by different ideas.  I’ve taught it before and it’s superb.

Becoming Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Opportunities for Colleges and Universities is an essential guide to HSIs.  Author Gina Ann Garcia was also a terrific Future Trends Forum guest.

You can snag Kathleen Fitzpatrick’s Generous Thinking: A Radical Approach to Saving the University, one of the most provocative, humane, powerful – and accessible! – books written about higher education in the 21st century.  Kathleen was also a great Forum guest.

I also recommend How to Run a College A Practical Guide for Trustees, Faculty, Administrators, and Policymakers. Brian C. Mitchell and Joey King walk the reader through how a college actually works, and do so in clear prose, informed by decades of experience.  I’ve taught this book for years and students devour it.

John Warner’s Why They Can’t Write: Killing the Five-Paragraph Essay and Other Necessities is also there, a sharp, witty, thoughtful, and very useful guide to improving college writing.

The sale ends this Friday, so now’s the time to pounce.  Happy reading!