My climate change work in Numérique responsable
Bryan Alexander 2021-01-19
In October I gave a talk (online, of course) about climate change and the future of higher education. EDUCAUSE hosted the event; accordingly, my focus was on campus information technology. I appreciated the chance to try out my most recent thinking on the topic. There was some very good discussion.
Now a French journal, Numérique responsable (Responsible Computing) published an article about the presentation. Which let me crack my knuckles and dust off my old French skills. Vas-y!
Bertrand Mocquet did a fine job of hitting the key points I sought to emphasize: retooling the physical campus; campus IT supporting changes in online instruction; possible demands for campuses to use less digital technology; campus protests against certain research; changes in research agendas; student activism linking climate change with decolonization; COVID economic closures gave us a glimpse of a world with reduced carbon output.
One bit surprised me. The article suggests my focus is North America, which means I need to do a better job of getting across the global nature of this research. It might be that simply being an American, presenting in English, having degrees from an American university, and working with so many United States clients gives my work a stronger local flavor.