How is higher education adapting to the pandemic? Introducing #COVedStories

Bryan Alexander 2021-01-28

How did colleges and universities manage to shunt classes online in a hurry last spring? What are we doing in higher ed now to organize spring term during a still-roaring pandemic? What are our stories of educational transformation?

I’d like to announce a project aimed at gathering these accounts.  COVedStories encourages instructional designers and educational technologists to share what they went through, and what they are doing now, to carry campuses forward during an extraordinary time.  (The name is a mashup of COVID, education, and stories.)

Georgetown hallPart of Georgetown University’s Big Rethink (previously), #COVedStories begins this Friday with a first Twitter chat from 1-5 pm Eastern Time.  I’ll ask some questions to get you all started, and suspect conversation will flow organically.  Just follow the hashtag #COVedStories or look for my handle,

If you’d like us to cite your story in publications to come, please let us know here.  If you don’t use Twitter or would just like to reach us privately, email

The Big Rethink team, including faculty, students, and staff, is looking forward to learning from you all.  Come share your tales of institutional transformation!