MAS.962 Special Topics: New Textiles (MIT)

MIT OpenCourseWare: New Courses in Media Arts and Sciences 2013-03-28


This project-based course will explore the future of textiles, focusing particularly on blending rich crafting traditions with new technologies. Topics will include textile-based electronics, textile fabrication, algorithmic pattern design, and composites. We will experiment with a wide range of fibers, yarns, and fabrics including traditional materials like wool and cotton as well as metal fibers and yarns, fusible plastics, papers, and resins. We will also explore techniques like felting, laser cutting, CNC knitting, digital printing, and CNC embroidery. Students will complete weekly hands-on assignments and a final project. Email this Article Add to Facebook Add to Twitter Add to digg Add to Google


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#edutech ยป MIT OpenCourseWare: New Courses in Media Arts and Sciences


sensors fabric wearable electronics weaving


Buechley, Leah

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Date tagged:

03/28/2013, 16:15

Date published:

01/12/2011, 03:15