6.S096 Introduction to C and C++ (MIT)

MIT OpenCourseWare: New Courses 2013-03-28


This course provides a fast-paced introduction to the C and C++ programming languages. You will learn the required background knowledge, including memory management, pointers, preprocessor macros, object-oriented programming, and how to find bugs when you inevitably use any of those incorrectly. There will be daily assignments and a small-scale individual project. This course is offered during the Independent Activities Period (IAP), which is a special 4-week term at MIT that runs from the first week of January until the end of the month. Email this Article Add to Facebook Add to Twitter Add to digg Add to Google



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#edutech ยป MIT OpenCourseWare: New Courses


debugging c programming c++ programming memory management pointers preprocessor macros object oriented programming


Lieber, Tom, Murray, Kyle, Li, Frank

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Content within individual OCW courses is (c) by the individual authors unless otherwise noted. MIT OpenCourseWare materials are licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike). For further information see http://ocw.mit.edu/terms/index.htm

Date tagged:

03/28/2013, 16:18

Date published:

03/18/2013, 07:19