2.S998 Marine Autonomy, Sensing and Communications (MIT)

MIT OpenCourseWare: New Courses 2013-03-28


This course covers basic topics in autonomous marine vehicles, focusing mainly on software and algorithms for autonomous decision making (autonomy) by underwater vehicles operating in the ocean environments, autonomously adapting to the environment for improved sensing performance. It will introduce students to underwater acoustic communication environment, as well as the various options for undersea navigation, both crucial to the operation of collaborative undersea networks for environmental sensing. Sensors for acoustic, biological and chemical sensing by underwater vehicles and their integration with the autonomy system for environmentally adaptive undersea mapping and observation will be covered. The subject will have a significant lab component, involving the use of the MOOS-IvP autonomy software infrastructure for developing integrated sensing, modeling and control solutions for a variety of ocean observation problems, using simulation environments and a field testbed with small autonomous surface craft and underwater vehicles operated on the Charles River. Email this Article Add to Facebook Add to Twitter Add to digg Add to Google



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#edutech ยป MIT OpenCourseWare: New Courses


programming autonomous marine vehicles ocean environments underwater vehicles acoustic communication undersea navigation environmental sensing acoustical biological and chemical sensing modeling and control simulation environments c++ moos


Benjamin, Michael, Schmidt, Henrik

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Content within individual OCW courses is (c) by the individual authors unless otherwise noted. MIT OpenCourseWare materials are licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike). For further information see http://ocw.mit.edu/terms/index.htm

Date tagged:

03/28/2013, 16:18

Date published:

02/28/2013, 00:19