24.906J Linguistic Studies of Bilingualism (MIT)

MIT OpenCourseWare: New Courses 2013-08-01


This course studies the development of bilingualism in human history (from Australopithecus to present day). It focuses on linguistic aspects of bilingualism; models of bilingualism and language acquisition; competence versus performance; effects of bilingualism on other domains of human cognition; brain imaging studies; early versus late bilingualism; opportunities to observe and conduct original research; and implications for educational policies among others. The course is taught in English.



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#edutech ยป MIT OpenCourseWare: New Courses


education language speech multilingualism verbal behavior bilingualism code-switchng grammatical theory lateralization diglossia linguistic structure bilingual brain


Flynn, Suzanne

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Content within individual OCW courses is (c) by the individual authors unless otherwise noted. MIT OpenCourseWare materials are licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike). For further information see http://ocw.mit.edu/terms/index.htm

Date tagged:

08/01/2013, 03:52

Date published:

07/16/2013, 07:15