The Real Reason for my Personal Learning Network

Education Rethink 2013-04-02

Last night, we had Russ and Becky Goerend over for dinner. I expected it to feel like I met the "in person" Russ and Becky instead of the "online" version. But it wasn't quite like that. I felt like I knew them and they knew me. I didn't see a "different" Russ and Becky. I saw a fuller, more complete version of the friends I've already known. I found myself feeling safe sharing how hard this school year has been. I could be vulnerable without being judged. Teaching is hard. We weren't venting. We weren't busting on students. But we were open about the fact that we are tired at this time of year and that we are all still figuring out how to do this whole teaching gig well. It was powerful to share these things with teachers that I respect. I first got into the idea of a personal learning network, because I thought it was a place to learn. I would ask for lesson ideas or resources and I got exactly that. However, over time, things changed. What I now experience is a community of people that I care about. I can be open and vulnerable in ways that I can't do in a staff lounge. We can geek out over teaching theory. We can laugh together. But it isn't professional development - at least not in the traditional concept of it. Instead, my PLN is a network of people who care about me. It's where I go in those dark moments where I have wanted to quit. It's where I go when I am excited and want to celebrate. It is far less of a "network" and more of a community.
The reality is that teaching is hard. That's the real reason I have a PLN. 
People are quick to call Twitter an "echo chamber," but that hasn't been my experience (at least not entirely). What I see are shared experiences and shared values. I disagree sharply with some people. I have a different faith from many of them. I have friends on Twitter who are Dodgers fans (yeah, I know). However, in the process, we have powerful shared experiences in the daily practice of being teachers. And the power of the PLN is that I can share these experiences openly with trusted relationships.