A New Podcast

Education Rethink 2013-04-04

So, I want to do a podcast. My best names so far are: The Human Search Project, I Want to Know What Stuff Is and I Want You to Show Me and UnGoogle. The gist of it is simple. Instead of going to Google and searching for information, I want to interview someone who knows it. Call it Google.0 or maybe Google Minus. Or maybe don't call it anything. In each podcast, I will give a short introduction of the question and then call someone up, record my questions and then summarize it. I've wanted to do a podcast for awhile. At first, I was thinking of something deep and introspective, a sort of This American Life of education. Unfortunately, I lack the time, resources and desire to pull of anything big. It's more than that, though. I often talk about teaching and learning without ever sharing what I am learning. I want to do a podcast where I openly admit that I'm curious about things that I could easily Google. So, here are a few topics I want to know about:
  1. Where does Helvetica font come from and why is it loved so much by hipsters?
  2. How does Canadian football differ from American football?
  3. Why do we have the Dewey Decimal System?
  4. How do I make mead?
  5. What is Boxing Day and how is it celebrated?
  6. Which would win in a battle: Godzilla or a dragon?
  7. What exactly goes into the maintenance of handlebar mustaches?
  8. What are the political parties in Australia?
  9. What is a hoosier? Where did the name come from?
  10. What are the rules of cricket?
  11. How do you make soap?
  12. Is vinyl really a better sound quality than a cd?
  13. How do you brew your own IPA?
  14. What is Wrigley Field actually like?
  15. Why isn't Pluto a planet? 
  16. Is it a smart idea to get a goat?
  17. How do copyright laws work? Why have they grown stricter over the last fifty years?
  18. How do I make a stop animation movie?
  19. Is there any profession that actually uses imaginary numbers?
  20. Where do cuss words come from? Who decides that they are “foul” language?
If you are knowledgable about any of those topics and would like to participate in the podcast, please e-mail me at john@educationrethink.com.