Are Doctors Still Necessary? #satire
Education Rethink 2013-04-22
All that doctors do these days are proctor a bunch of tests. They're useless. We need to just blow this medical system up. The healthcare system is broken. We spend billions and yet every person continues to die. Heart attacks are on the rise. We have an obesity epidemic. And who's to blame? It's not society's fault. After all, society has existed for years. It's not agri-business. After all, food has been around since the dawn of humanity. No, the real issue is the medical industry - and doctors, in particular. The current medical system in Western society is based upon industrialization. Here, the body is viewed as a machine (notice our word "part" or our terms such as "hardwired") rather than an organic whole. We focus on fixing the problem rather than preventing it in the first place. Yet, what did people do for years before doctors? True, they sometimes died in droves. However, they used their own remedies, found in communities, based upon a holistic practice. Often, they solved their own issues at home. Is that not what we need? I have a friend who has never been to the doctor and guess what? He's healthy. His kids never go to the doctor and they haven't died, either. I'm guessing he could probably remove a kidney if he needed to. After all, there's a former investment banker doing surgery videos that he can watch. I suggest we take this anecdotal evidence and treat is as normative reality for all people. Think of it this way: who is best meant to serve your child? A nurturing parent or someone paid to do it? No amount of schooling or years of experience changes the reality that when a child wakes up with a hundred and four degree temperature, he or she goes to mom or dad. That's how we were meant to be. I realize that some children might not have the best parents. So, here's my thought. Fire the doctors. Get rid of the hospitals. Replace these with volunteer clinics, where volunteer doctors can show up, free of charge and offer optional, minimal input for those who want to show up. We would attract the best and brightest if we motivated them by a sense of altruism rather than high standards and we would save billions of tax payer dollars in the process. We could encourage them to be guides on the side. Meanwhile, kids can show up to these pharmaceutical centers and self-medicate through drugs or yoga or easy listening music. As a nation, we won't take charge of our health until we become the doctors. And it starts with young kids being left alone and nurturing parents only stepping in during emergencies. Kids naturally play doctor. Parents naturally want to help heal their kids. It could happen . . . if only doctors would get out of the way! Note: This is satire. Please don't follow any of this advice. photo credit: mahr via photopin cc