A Note to Parents Who Are Opting Out of Testing

Education Rethink 2013-05-10

Dear Parents, I support the opt-out movement. I believe that it sends a strong statement about the problems with standardized testing. I am an outspoken critic of the testing culture, along with the Value-Added scores   that are being pushed by the politicians. However, I'd like to ask a favor. Could you also get involved in changing the policies that are driving the testing culture? We need parents to be informed public citizens who will push for better education policy that limits testing and advocates for authentic assessment instead. The other day I was at a birthday party and a parent mentioned that her son was going to opt out of testing. However, when I asked her how she decided on their choice of schools, she mentioned the A+ rating. When I asked her who she voted for in the last election, she mentioned candidates who had pushed for increased testing and "teacher accountability." We live in a world where test scores are used to judge teacher performance, school ratings, neighborhood planning and business decisions. If you want to opt out of testing, I get it. Go for it. But, I'd like to challenge you to take a step further and use your political will, your power, your democratic voice and push for meaningful education reform. So far, both political parties continue to advocate for more testing. Not every child is as fortunate as yours. Millions of students will spend hours in urban schools taking tests, practicing for tests and then going to "interventions" (a word once used for addicts) based upon their test scores. Please consider not only opting your own child out of standardized tests, but also changing the policies so that opting out doesn't have to be an option anymore. Sincerely, John Spencer Middle School Teacher