A Lesson from the Grocery Store

Education Rethink 2013-05-12

I got frustrated with Brenna while at the grocery store. "You were acting crazy." "I wasn't acting crazy. I was acting silly." "But the grocery store isn't the place to act silly." Brenna shook her head. "I think the grocery store needs some more silly." Thinking back to my time at the grocery store, I came to the realization that Brenna was right. Grocery stores could use a little more silliness. My greatest regret this school year is that I missed the beauty of sixth grade silliness. I cracked down on it in the name of learning and classroom management. Don't get me wrong. There is a time to sit still. But looking back on the year, I realize that the best times were when we embraced silliness. photo credit: KatLevPhoto via photopin cc