Junk Drawer in a Box

Education Rethink 2013-06-01

this isn't our junk drawer, but you get the idea
It wasn't my idea. I told Christy we should teach the kids to stay out of the junk drawer, because I was tired of losing scissors, tape and rubber band. Her response? "Maybe the kids need their own junk drawer." And that's where we create Junk Drawer in a Box. Here's how it works, you take the items that your kids would normally want to take from the junk drawer and you cram it into a box and surprise them with it as a gift. Our junk drawer boxes included the following:
  • Duct tape
  • Masking tape
  • Electrical tape
  • A ream of paper 
  • Paper clips
  • Rubber bands of all sizes and textures
  • A spool of string
  • Scissors - the nice kind that are big (I know, I know, that's probably not safe) 
  • Some random objects, like marbles
  • Colored pencils
  • Clothes pins
It didn't cost much and it became their go-to place last summer when they complained that they were bored and it was too blazingly hot outside to play (we live in Phoenix). 
Take it or leave it. I rarely say that "this works for all kids," but I have a hunch that this time it just might be true. 
photo credit: jeamac via photopin cc