Geek Out Projects
Education Rethink 2013-08-20
In the past, I've always chosen a series of ice breakers (even though it's way outside of my comfort zone) and a History of Me project. I felt like the safest topic for a student was writing about one's own life. I believed that this was a great chance to affirm a student's identity and build a class community. This year, however, I gave the students other options. Instead of creating a History of Me presentation, I told them they could geek out about something that they're interested in. I called it the Geek Out Project. It was a horrible title, but it worked. I started with these questions:
- What do you really care about? Why?
- What is something that you're passionate about?
- What is something you know inside and out?
- What are some things you believe deeply in? What are some convictions you have about life?
- Seven Reasons Why __________
- Seven Ways to _________
- Seven Things to Know About ___________
- Seven Best _____________
- The Seven (Adjective) _________ in ____________