Three Book Club Opportunities

Education Rethink 2020-06-26

In my previous article, I wrote about how teachers can use book clubs as a way to own their professional development. These book clubs can be in-person or online.

They can be synchronous or asynchronous. You might go more open-ended or have things a little more tight:

I have some great news! I’ll be leading three book clubs in July for three of the books that I’ve written (or co-written). Each one will be mostly asynchronous via a private Facebook Group. However, I will also do a video conference at the end with an open-ended discussion. If you’re interested, here are the details below.

Join the Vintage Innovation Book Club

I will be running the Vintage Innovation online book club. Here are the details:

When will it run?

The book club will run from July 7th through August 7th. This gives you plenty of time to purchase your book ahead of time.

Where will it occur?

The book club will run on a private Facebook group. After filling out the form below, I will have your email address. Next week, I’ll share an update for how to join the group.

Who is invited?

Anyone who wants to discuss the core ideas of the book in an interactive setting. Here’s a video description:

How do I sign up?

Please sign up below in this form. I recommend using your personal email because school emails sometimes get caught in the spam filter.

Join the Launch Book Club

I will be running the Launch online book club. Here are the details:

When will it run?

The book club will run from July 7th through August 7th. This gives you plenty of time to purchase your book ahead of time.

Where will it occur?

The book club will run on a private Facebook group. After filling out the form below, I will have your email address. Next week, I’ll share an update for how to join the group.

Who is invited?

Anyone who wants to discuss the core ideas of the book in an interactive setting. Here’s a video description:

How do I sign up?

Please sign up below in this form. I recommend using your personal email because school emails sometimes get caught in the spam filter.

Join the Empower Book Club

I will be running the Empower online book club. Here are the details:

When will it run?

The book club will run from July 7th through August 7th. This gives you plenty of time to purchase your book ahead of time.

Where will it occur?

The book club will run on a private Facebook group. After filling out the form below, I will have your email address. Next week, I’ll share an update for how to join the group.

Who is invited?

Anyone who wants to discuss the core ideas of the book in an interactive setting. Here’s a video description:

How do I sign up?

Please sign up below in this form. I recommend using your personal email because school emails sometimes get caught in the spam filter.


The post Three Book Club Opportunities appeared first on John Spencer.